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Budd Sponsors Bill to Help Families of Victims Killed by Illegal Aliens

Washington, D.C. — Senator Ted Budd (R-NC) has co-sponsored the Justice for Angels Families Act.

The bill would amend the Crime Victims Fund to expand coverage for Angel Families, who are immediate relatives of victims of homicide by an illegal immigrant, including drunk driving accidents.

This legislation would also reinstate and codify the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) Office at the Department of Homeland Security, which was established by President Trump in 2017. The VOICE office helps victims and their families who have been impacted by crimes committed by illegal immigrants. 

The bill was originally introduced by Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. (R-KS).

Sen. Budd said in a statement:

“The pain and heartbreak of Angel Families is something that no one should have to face. Tragedies like these should not be allowed to happen. That’s why I support the Justice for Angel Families Act, which not only expands funds to the families of the victims who were killed by illegal immigrants, but it reinstates the Trump administration’s initiative to track and report on crimes committed by individuals who should not be in our country in the first place.”


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