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Budd Pushes Senate to Pass Bill to Consider Terminating Qatar’s Major Non-NATO Ally Status

Washington, D.C. — In a speech on the Senate floor today, Senator Ted Budd (R-NC) pushed the chamber to pass his bill to review Qatar’s Major Non-NATO Ally Status. Senator Budd introduced the ‘Reviewing Qatar’s Major Non- NATO Ally Status Act’ yesterday. 

In his floor speech, Senator Budd said:

“Seeking the release of the hostages demands strength and moral clarity. We demand it of our own leaders, and we should require it from our major allies.”

“The State of Qatar hosts Hamas’ leaders in their capital of Doha. Now initially, Qatari officials claimed they are exercising leverage on Hamas. Then they publicly stated thereafter that they have no leverage. And now, they’re promoting a ceasefire regardless of the release of the hostages.”

“The truth is that Qatar does have significant leverage over Hamas. They have the ability to expel these terrorists if they don’t release the hostages or at least engage in reasonable negotiations.”

“The truth is that Hamas is not interested in releasing the hostages, and Qatar seems equally uninterested in forcing them to do so. It is time that we hold nations like Qatar accountable for their dithering and their stalling.”

“I do not introduce this bill lightly. It is not where I started with this relationship, but it is a reflection of where we are today as a result of the repeated warnings that Members of Congress have given to Qatar about the liability of continuing to host Hamas.”

The time for talking is over, and the time for action is now. If we don’t see action, then Qatar must face consequences. At the end of the day, this bill represents another step towards securing the freedom of our fellow Americans.”


After Senator Budd’s attempt to invoke unanimous consent was blocked, he said:

“In the times I’ve met with [hostage families]… I let them know that not only are all levels of our government working to bring their loved ones home safely, but that I would do everything in my power to make it happen.”

“Sometimes that means being direct, even with friends like Qatar. Sometimes that means making allies uncomfortable. But the truth of the matter is that friends are honest with one another.”

Let this bill be a tool to move the hostage negotiations forward and secure the release of all of the hostages being held in Gaza.”



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