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Budd Sponsors Bill Authorizing States to Secure Own Border

Washington, D.C. — Senator Ted Budd (R-NC) has co-sponsored the Creating Obstructions Necessary to Address Illegal and Nefarious Entry Rapidly (CONTAINER) Act.

The bill would authorize border states to temporarily place temporary structures on federal land for the purpose of securing their border without first seeking approval from the Biden administration.

The bill was led by Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN).

Sen. Budd said in a statement:

“The crisis at the southern border is unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Instead of facing this situation head on, the Biden administration has taken states to court to block them from securing their own borders. That’s wrong, and it’s why Senator Blackburn’s bill is so critical. It empowers states to quickly place barriers to stop the illegal flow of drugs and dangerous individuals into the United States.” 


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