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Budd Sponsors Bill to Stop Biden’s IRS Expansion

Washington, D.C. — Senator Ted Budd (R-NC) has sponsored the Blocking the Adverse and Dramatic Increased Reliance on Surveillance (BAD IRS) Activities Act.

The bill would rescind the $70 billion in IRS funding to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, and repeal the new tax increases and burdensome regulations on gig workers and small businesses.

The legislation was led by Sens. Rick Scott (R-FL) and Mike Braun (R-IN).

Bill text can be found here.

Sen. Budd said in a statement:

“We should not be hiring 87,000 new IRS agents to treat working families and small startup businesses like tax cheats. We should be removing harmful regulatory barriers so that we can jumpstart economic growth and see wages rise. Big thanks to Senator Rick Scott for leading this pro-growth legislation.”

Sen. Rick Scott said:

“Across America, families are struggling to keep up with Joe Biden’s raging inflation crisis, while skyrocketing interest rates are holding them back from everything from home ownership to starting a business. This is what happens when Washington spends decades recklessly spending taxpayer money and racking up $31 trillion of debt. In the face of these hardships for hardworking families, instead of cutting taxes and regulations to grow our economy and encourage job creation, Joe Biden and Democrats in Washington are hell bent on growing government and hiking your taxes to pay for it. There’s no denying their intentions and they even approved $70 BILLION for 87,000 new IRS agents to make sure they squeeze every penny possible out of American families to fund their radical agenda. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. The last thing folks need is more government in their lives and my BAD IRS Activities Act will stop Biden and the Democrats for using the IRS to terrorize the American people and raise your taxes. Increasing costs and regulations on already-struggling Americans is wrong and I won’t stop fighting to put an end to it.”

Sen. Braun said:

“The IRS has far outrun its intended purpose, and President Biden’s $70 billion army of bureaucrats is just the latest excess. I’m proud to cosponsor this bill to bring this agency closer to what it’s supposed to be doing.”


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